🇺🇸 AMERICAN OWNED - Waterkids is 100% American owned all of our boards are designed right here in the U.S.A. by real surfers! Everything we make is specifically designed for kids, built to the highest standards in the surf industry & backed by our award winning customer service. Since 2014 Waterkids has proudly dedicated every effort into making the best kids surfboards, kids paddleboards & accessories on the market. Shop the biggest & best selection of kids surf boards on the planet!
4’10 KIDS SURFBOARD - Tons of fun packed in a compact size! 4-foot 10-inch soft top surfboard made for kids. All of our surfboards are specifically designed for kids and are built to the highest standards in the surf industry. Ideal beginner surfboard & fun for all skill levels, age ranges, children, teens & even adults! Perfect for learning how to surf. Remove the fins & use as a body board or boogie board. The ultimate beach toy!
SOFT TOP MATERIAL - Built with super safe & durable soft top material which provides maximum safety when learning how to surf. We only use the very best premium soft top material in the construction of our kids boards so they have the best experience possible and continue their surf journey throughout their lives. Our superior Dura-Soft construction is top of the line and the best in the surf industry for beginner surfboards for its ultimate safety & durability. No surf wax needed
HIGHER QUALITY - Our goal is to provide kids with the best possible equipment on earth! Our kids surfboards are just as good as any adult soft top surfboards. We do not cut corners with the quality of our kids boards because we want our kids to have the best experience possible. We prioritize quality over quantity. Ultimately, our mission is to provide kids with the best possible surfboards that are both high quality & affordable so they have the best time learning how to surf.
SUPER STRONG & DURABLE - All of our soft top surfboards are built in our superior lightweight Dura-Soft construction which is the best in the business for its strength, durability & longevity. A soft top foam surfboard is an ideal beginner surfboard for its safety & durability making for fun days & long lasting gear. Our ultimate goal is to make learning how to surf a super fun and unforgettable experience. Boards that are better for kids because they are made for kids!